Hello, friends! If you’ve talked to me in the last nine months, I’ve probably mentioned that we have been working on HydroApps Version 5.07 enhancements at HydroApps. We started way back in September 2021 with a list of requests and mockups of what we wanted. Our developers worked hard to make our visions come to life by October. By December, we were testing and giving feedback. . . and testing and giving feedback. . . and testing and giving feedback. Our new sites started rolling on “version 5.07” in January – it was beautiful and exciting. On April 4, we started rolling out the enhancements to all our current users. (That part was not quite so beautiful – partly because I had to get up at 4 a.m. every day for two solid weeks, and I believe 4 a.m. should only be the end of the night and never the start of the day!)
While some of the changes we implemented came from things that we identified as important, many of them came directly from our users during our conversations or trainings. Our Customer Advisory Board provided us with feedback that helps guide our decisions, and we have an ongoing list of requests to help guide our future HydroApps enhancements.
So, what did we do, and why did we think it was important?
The Dashboard
HydroApps created the Dashboard to be Command Central for Admins in HydroApps 5.07. On one screen, see the most recent pool test for each body of water, see the progress of assigned checklists, identify and open and urgent maintenance issues, and link to important reports and features.
Date, time, and user stamps
HydroApps added date, time, and user stamps to pool tests, checklist tasks, and maintenance issues to improve risk management and create accountability in your team.

Form Updates
HydroApps Version 5.07 updates to forms were implemented based on user feedback, including adding an end and total time to the In-Service form, adding Responding Rescuers to Incident reports, and the ability to close a single body of water on a Pool Closure form.
Improved Reporting
HydroApps Version 5.07 improved reporting creates better visibility to help you make informed business decisions.
- Incident reporting now includes the incident location and the responding team members without drilling down into each submission.
- HydroApps split date & time fields on key reports for easier sorting.
- Approved users can receive an automated Certification Expiration report weekly or monthly showing all certifications expiring in the next 60 days.
- Administrators now have the ability to visit past days to edit or add Pool Tests that may have been entered incorrectly or not entered when completed.

Maintenance Updates
Maintenance issues are now easier to track and evaluate in HydroApps Version 5.07.
- A consolidated report for maintenance issues on all checklists at all facilities is available for review and download to help users quickly identify trends and make business decisions.
- Users can also update a maintenance issue and come back later to close it so that there is visibility on pending issues.
Certification Management
Certification management is even easier with the ability to send multiple expiration reminders to your team and make certifications mandatory for specific positions.
Administrative Updates
Improved user management features enhance visibility and ease of tracking.
- Administrators can now see the last time a user logged in to the system.
- Users can not only be assigned to multiple facilities but can be assigned a primary facility as well.
- Track your team’s uniform sizes and positions within their User Profile.
- HydroApps added additional filters to make it easy to find users by access level, assigned facility, primary facility, or position.
- Export your User Listing as an Excel spreadsheet.
- Program Administrators have more “self-serve” options, including the ability to create new checklists and full access to create and edit custom forms.
- All users will be able to see a Staff List with team member names, contact information, and assigned facilities.
Part of our strategy at HydroApps is to let our software continue to grow and improve to meet the needs of our users, and every year we’ll be investing in enhancements to make it better, keep it current, and better serve our users. We learned a lot this time around, and I anticipate the timeline will be more efficient moving forward.
Many thanks to everyone who shared their feedback, and an even bigger thanks to everyone who trusts us to be a part of their risk management team. What you do is incredibly important in your community, and we are blessed to get to be a part of that – and hopefully, you can enjoy spending less time on paperwork and more time on the things you’re passionate about!
If you have any questions about the new updates or would like to chat! Reach out at 314.894.1245 or [email protected]. Connect with Kirsten on LinkedIn, via email at [email protected] or 303.323.8531
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