Happy Father's Day! To all the devoted fathers out there, thank you for your love, patience, and sacrifice. Thank you for the hours spent playing with us, nurturing our adventurous spirit, and the weekends soaked up with athletic events and camping trips. We are grateful for your dad jokes, life lessons, and words of wisdom.
In honor of Father’s Day, we would like to share a few of our favorite dads at Counsilman-Hunsaker and some of their favorite moments spent with their kids.
“Some of my favorite memories as a dad surround Cardinal games, athletic events, and family vacations.” Scott, President
Happy Father's Day, Scott!

“One of my favorite vacation memories was swimming with the dolphins on the Big Island in Hawaii in 2017 with Morgan, Alyssa, and Ryan. I wish we were back there right now!” Doug, Chairman
Happy Father's Day, Doug!

"One of my favorite memories was starting swimming lessons with my son Ace. This was our first daddy/son activity. Every Saturday, we would wake up, get our suits on, and head to the pool. After lessons, we would stop for a quick treat on our way home. This was right after his little sister was born, so Ace really enjoyed the one-on-one time...and so did I." Kevin, Principal
Happy Father's Day, Kevin!

“I have always loved being in the water, whether it is a pool, lake, river, or ocean, and I have tried to foster that love in my boys. So far, so good!” Chris, Studio Director
Happy Father's Day, Chris!

Check out our Mother's Day Blog to celebrate our moms!
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